Acute back and neck pain: overview

Business woman with acute back pain

Acute back and neck pain

Pain can occur anywhere down the back and up through the neck:1-4

  • Pain that occurs from the base of the skull to the shoulder is referred to as neck pain
  • Pain in the region between the base of the neck to the bottom of the ribcage is classified as upper and middle back pain
  • Pain between the bottom of the ribcage and top of the legs is known as lower back pain

Acute back and neck pain affects most people at some point in their lives.5 Effective symptomatic relief is available to help patients manage their acute pain.6

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Acute back and neck pain are prevalent

Acute back and neck pain can be hindering

Graphic of a person with altering mood

Acute back and neck pain can impact a person's day-to-day life

Pain impacts almost every aspect of people’s lives and is acknowledged by approximately 8 in 10 weekly sufferers to effect their daily routines and decreases their quality of life when they are in pain.5,7

Body pain impacts people’s mood and self-esteem, and makes people feel older than they are.5

Meet Aisha & Ben



Aisha*, 30, balances her full-time job with staying active. She enjoys rock-climbing and hiking with friends. Recently, she hurt her back and is struggling to do activities outside of work.

Her pain: back pain; pain started yesterday.

She describes back pain, which developed while hiking and rock climbing.

Aisha needs a solution that will offer her effective relief.

She explains, “I want my back pain to go away, so I can get back to enjoying life!”

* Fictional case study.

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Ben* works for a busy accounting firm and has been working a lot of overtime this past week, spending long hours working at his computer to meet many important deadlines.

His pain: neck pain and stiffness after working overtime using two computer screens.

He describes having neck pain and stiffness when he tries to turn his head.

Ben needs to find a solution that can effectively relieve his neck pain so he can focus on his work.

* Fictional case study.

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Understanding acute back and neck pain

Causes Icon


Find out about the causes of acute back and neck pain.

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Signs and symptoms icon

Signs and symptoms

Explore how to recognize acute back and neck pain and learn when a referral to a doctor is necessary.

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Management Icon


Learn how acute back and neck pain can be managed.

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Voltaren products

Voltaren products

Help your patients manage their acute, localized muscle, joint and back pain with our pain-relieving topical products.8,9

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Advil product images

Advil — for all your patients’ acute pain relief needs

With proven efficacy in acute pain and a well-established safety profile — you can trust the pain relief of ibuprofen in Advil.10

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Headaches and migraines

Learn more about headaches and migraines and how they can be relieved.

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