41 result(s)

Sensodyne Overview

Sensodyne products for sensitive teeth. The Sensodyne range of products can help relieve dentine hypersensitivity. Visit Haleon HealthPartner today for details on Sensodyne benefits, research, ingredients, and more.

Complete Care

Created with Stannous Fluoride, Sensodyne Complete Care toothpaste is a great product for your patients who suffer from dentine hypersensitivity. Discover more at Haleon HealthPartner

Denture Management

For assistance with managing denture care, visit Haleon HealthPartner. Discover how to help patients maintain the performance of their dentures today.

Denture Impact on Patient QoL

Discomfort and the emotional effect of tooth loss impact on patients. Visit Haleon HealthPartner for advice on improving your denture patients’ quality of life.

Polident Overview

The Polident range includes specially formulated products for patients’ denture needs. Learn about the brand to support your practice at Haleon HealthPartner.