41 result(s)

Sensodyne Science: Potassium Nitrate Formulations

Potassium nitrate is a core component of Sensodyne Daily Care toothpastes, helping reduce the pain and discomfort of dentine hypersensitivity. You can find out more about this key ingredient, as well as other features of Sensodyne, at Haleon HealthPartner.


Haleon has a broad range of specialist, science-based oral health products to help your patients achieve healthier mouths. Learn more online today.


Haleon provides an overview of the causes and mechanisms of common oral health conditions, alongside guidelines for their diagnosis and management.

Enamel Wear Impact on Patient QoL

Enamel wear and sensitive teeth can have many emotional and physical effects. Visit Haleon HealthPartner to learn about the impact of enamel wear on your patients.