57 result(s)

Impact of a dry mouth on patient QoL

Dry mouth can have a negative impact on your patients’ quality of life. Visit Haleon HealthPartner to discover the impact of a dry mouth on patients.

Dry Mouth Overview

A dry mouth can negatively affect your patients' oral health. Visit Haleon HealthPartner to access resources on how to help patients with dry mouth symptoms.

Causes of a dry mouth

What causes a dry mouth? Understand the role of medication, physiology and lifestyle factors that affect patients with a dry mouth at Haleon HealthPartner today.

Identifying a dry mouth

What are signs of a dry mouth and how do you recognise a dry mouth in patients? Visit Haleon HealthPartner today for more information on a dry mouth.

Biotene Products

Biotène dry mouth products are formulated for patients to provide relief from a dry mouth. If you’re a professional, visit Haleon HealthPartner for more about Biotène.