154 result(s)

Sensodyne Science Landing page

Each product in the Sensodyne range is specially formulated. Learn more about the advanced technologies in our formulations and products at Haleon HealthPartner.

Rapid Action

Sensodyne Rapid Action toothpaste offers your patients a fast and effective relief from dentine hypersensitivity. Learn more with Haleon HealthPartner today.

Repair & Protect

Sensodyne Repair & Protect toothpaste featuring NovaMin technology repairs exposed dentine to reduce the pain sensitivity pain of your patients.

How Parodontax Fight Gum Disease

Parodontax is partnering with dentists to help prevent and treat gum disease. Discover products to enhance your patients’ oral health. Learn more.

Sodium Bicarbonate

Parodontax sodium bicarbonate toothpaste enhances plaque removal achieved by brushing. Learn about Corsodyl science, with Haleon HealthPartner.