171 result(s)

Sensodyne Repair & Protect

Sensodyne Repair & Protect toothpaste featuring NovaMin technology repairs exposed dentine to reduce the sensitivity pain of your patients.

Pronamel Science Landing page

Discover the science behind Pronamel and how it can help repair, strengthen and protect your patients’ enamel. For use by experts, this section contains information about the advanced technologies in our formulations and products.

Pronamel Variants Landing page

Want to know more about Sensodyne Pronamel? Help prevent the wear of your patients’ tooth enamel by visiting Haleon HealthPartner today.

Panadol Actifast

With 2x faster disintegration and absorption than standard paracetamol tablets, panadol Actifast relieves pain quickly. Learn more with Haleon HealthPartner.